The Population Health Data Initiative (PHDI) supports efforts to provide data and other resources for population health, health equity, and health services research.
By expanding research capacity and strengthening the network of UCSF researchers, the PHDI ensures the increased visibility and impact of UCSF work. The PHDI is funded by the UCSF School of Medicine Dean’s Office and the Executive Vice Chancellor's Office.
Data and Research Resources for Population Health and Health Services
As a first step toward improving and streamlining access to public and private data, the PHDI has developed a catalogue of public and private population health and health services data sets. It is also seeking out opportunities to establish institutional licenses for the most commonly used data sources. The PHDI also supports researcher user groups to facilitate information sharing and knowledge networks for commonly used data sources.
Learn more about Data and Research Resources for Population Health and Health Services
Geocoding for Population Health
Patient electronic health records (EHRs) can be geocoded and linked to place-based data to examine how the built environment (e.g. neighborhood characteristics such as walkability, access to healthy foods), socioeconomic factors (e.g., unemployment, segregation), environmental exposures (e.g. air quality), and healthcare factors (e.g. distance to and characteristics of nearest pharmacy) influence health outcomes.
Learn more about Geocoding for Population Health
UCSF Fresno
The goal of the UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program is to improve health in the San Joaquin Valley. As a regional campus of UCSF, faculty at Fresno carry out its research, training, and patient care charge through a network of affiliated partners. The PHDI supports the creation of infrastructure that will allow EHR data from affiliated partners to support population health research.
Learn more about UCSF Fresno